
En Italia


Becas en Italia: prácticas en museo Leonardo da Vinci

The Museum: The National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" is one of the most important technical and scientific institutions in Italy. It opened on 15 February 1953 with a great exhibition celebrating the 5th centenary of Leonardo da Vinci's birth. The Museum preserves, studies and interprets its historical heritage in order to make it accessible to all. Leonardo da Vinci is still a symbol of the connection between artistic and scientific-technological cultures, two complementary expressions of human creativity.

Today the collections include fifteen thousand objects among which are technical-scientific tools, devices, machines and large plants from the areas of transportation, energy production, metal industry, telecommunication, IT and astronautics. These collections relate to the Italian history of science, technology and industry from the nineteenth century to our time.

The Museum also holds a collection of art works (2,500 including paintings, drawings, applied art objects and medals), an archive (paper and digital) and a library (40,000 books and journals).

Internship description: Among his activities in conservation and education, the Museum wants to give an opportunity to show his work to students who want to make an experience in Italian conservation method.

The intern will work under supervision of the conservator and assist the conservator in the conservation and restoration activities on historical artifacts and sculptures, in particular on plaster moulds. The intern's activities will also include examination of artworks, creating of photographic documentation, writing condition reports and treatment proposals. The intern will undertake research and treatment objects as permitted by other projects.

Requirements: The candidate should preferably have graduated from a Conservation Training Program or have a minimum of one year of experience in a conservation studio. The candidate should preferably have a background in object/sculpture conservation or in other conservation fields with an interest in working with three-dimensional objects.

Información adicional

Mas informacion:

To apply please send your letter of interest, resume and 2 recommendations or contacts for recommendations to Laura Ronzon or Claudio Giorgione


País: Italia

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