Estudio y estancias investigación


Pro Helvetia

In collaboration with its liaison offices, Pro Helvetia supports residencies in Egypt, India, China and South Africa.

Swiss artists and cultural practitioners (e.g. curators, event organisers, mediators) in the areas of the visual arts, music, literature, theatre and dance are eligible to apply. At the same time, Pro Helvetia facilitates residencies in Switzerland for artists and cultural practitioners from the above-mentioned regions.

1. Studio residency 2015

A studio residency (3 months) in, India, China, Southern Africa or in Switzerland, gives artists the chance to gain a broad insight into a different cultural environment. The aim of the residency is to find inspiration, establish networks and contemplate new projects and cooperations. In addition to a place to work and accommodation, Pro Helvetia will provide specific coaching.

2. Research residency

A research residency (max. 4 weeks) enables artists and cultural practitioners (e.g. curators, event organisers, mediators) to carry out research in an Arab country, India, China, Southern Africa or, conversely in Switzerland. The aim of the residency is to prepare an exchange project. Pro Helvetia supports the compilation of the visiting programme with professional know-how. The Swiss Arts council covers the costs of travel, accommodation, insurance and per diem expenses.

The Swiss Arts Council covers the cost of travel, insurances and per diem expenses.

Información adicional

Fecha límite: Sábado, 01 Marzo 2014

Mi web: Pro Helvetia

Área: Enseñanza e investigación

País: Suecia

Comunidad Autónoma: Todas las Comunidades Autónomas

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  965227677 - Fax. 965227677

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